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    Watch and learn how to use your Mac for some easy and fun holidays projects!

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    How to Print Mailing Labels from Apple’s Address Book

    Design Your Own Holiday Cards with iPhoto

    How to Video Chat using iChat

    For more great video lessons, click here

  • September, 2010


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    The sidebar is the area on the left column of every window you open in the Finder. It shows Devices (like your Hard Drive and Time Machine Backup Drive), Shared Items and Places.
    Every Mac comes with the same Places listed: Desktop, Applications, your Home, Documents. Pictures, Movies, etc.
    These listed Places can be clicked as a shortcut to get to that item, either when you’re in the Finder, wanting to open something, or when you are Saving a document.
    If you frequently use other folders that you have created, why not add them to the sidebar for easier access?
    1. Locate the item you want to add to the Sidebar
    2. Drag it into the Sidebar. A faint horizontal line with a small circle on the left end will indicate where you are putting it
    The item will still be in its original location–the icon in the Sidebar is just a shortcut to get there.


    1. Locate the item you want to change and click ONCE on it. It will turn a dark blue, indicating the item is selected
    2. Instead of clicking in the words, press the Return key and the words will be highlighted in light blue
    3. Without clicking, type over the existing words. You can press the right or left arrow keys on the keyboard to quickly move to the beginning or end of the existing words.
    4. Press the Return key when you are done.


    Your computer remembers the most recent applications and documents you have worked with.

    To quickly return to something you’ve recently used:

    1. Click on the Apple menu
    2. Choose Recent Items
    3. Follow the menu to reveal the list
    4. Click on the item you want to open
    If you have deleted a document, it may still appear in the list, but you will not be able to open it.


    Often you will have two similar pictures and it’s hard to decide which one is better. Instead of looking at one, then the other, you can compare them, side by side.

    1. Click on the first photo

    2. Hold down the Command key and click on the other photo

    3. Click the Edit button in the bottom toolbar

    4. They will open in the Edit mode, side by side

    5. Now you can choose which one to keep or use in your project

    Slow iPhone 3G

    If you have a 3G or 3GS phone and you are experiencing a major slowing down since you upgraded to the new iOS4, try this:

    Turn Off Spotlight:

    1. In Settings, click General
    2. Click Home Button
    3. Remove the check Marks next to everything

    You should notice a major improvement in the speed of things now.

  • August, 2010


    Sign up to receive free weekly tips in your Inbox by clicking here


    Do you ever want to quickly enlarge your screen so you can see something bigger?

    1. Under the Apple menu, choose System Preferences

    2. Click on the Mouse icon

    3. Click to put a check mark next to Screen Zoom.

    4. Click the Options for more choices.

    5. It is set to use the Control key but you can choose a different key if you prefer.

    6. You can also change how the screen moves when you zoom. Play with the different choices to see which works best for you.

    7. Click Done

    Now, anytime you hold down Control key and scroll with the mouse button, you’ll be ZOOMING! Try it.


    Instead of using your mouse’s scroll wheel or dragging the blue scroll bar, you can move down the page by pressing the Space Bar. Move up the page by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Space Bar.

    To go Back to the previous page, instead of clicking the Back Arrow, press the Delete key.


    If you have your Desktop Screen Saver set to use all the pictures in iPhoto, you may have certain pictures that you don’t want to include. Instead of creating a separate album specifically for the Screen Saver, you can hide selected photos.

    In iPhoto, click on any picture you want to hide from view.

    From the Photos menu, choose Hide Photo. An X will appear in the top right corner, indicating it is marked as Hidden.

    If you don’t want to see Hidden photos in iPhoto, under the View Menu, re-select Hidden Photos to remove the check mark.

    The picture is still in your Library, you just can’t see it.

    To Unhide it, first, from the View menu, choose to show Hidden Pictures

    Then select the photo that has the X on it and choose Unhide from the Photos menu

    For more great iPhoto tips, check out the new video training series, Maximize Your Mac.


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