• October 2013



    Getting Your Mac Ready for Mavericks, the new OS

    Mavericks, Apple’s new OS for Mac is packed with a new look and lots of new features.

    As with any upgrade, you may want to wait until they iron out some of the bugs before you jump in. And before you rush to upgrade, you’ll want to make sure your Mac is ready for the new OS.

    1. Confirm that your Mac will work with Mavericks

    For a complete list of compatible Macs and software requirements, check out Apple’s www.apple.com/osx/how-to-upgrade/

    2. Back up!

    If you are not already using Time Machine to automatically back up your computer, now is the time to invest. Get an external hard drive, plug it in and follow the on-screen prompts.

    3. Clean Up!

    Mavericks requires 8GB of space on the hard drive for installation. For most computers this won’t be an issue, but MacBook Air users may be pressed for space.

    Delete old files
    Clear out the Downloads folder
    Delete any apps that you never use
    Archive your older photos to DVDs or another external drive

    4. Run Disk Utility!

    In the same way that you clean out your physical file drawers, throwing out old papers and then smooshing the file folders to create more space, you can have the Mac do a similar kind of cleaning up.

    1. From the Desktop, click on the GO menu and choose Utilities, and then open Disk Utility
    or, using Spotlight, type in Disk Utility and open in

    2. In the left column, click on the icon of Macintosh HD, your internal hard drive

    3. Click Repair Disk Permissions

    It may take a while, even a long while, to complete the task.

    If it reports errors that were fixed, Click Repair Disk Permissions again to run it again.

    5. Confirm that your apps are Mavericks compatible!

    While most software will still work with the new OS, you need to confirm this! Check out www.roaringapps.com for a complete compatibility list.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    In Case of Emergency

    If you are in an accident and can’t communicate, officials will check your phone for an emergency contact person. To make it easy for them to find the correct person, add an entry in your Contacts for ICE (in case of emergency):
    1. In Contacts, click the + to add a new person
    2. Enter the person’s first and last name
    3. In the Company field, type ICE
    4. Click the box next to company to have Contacts list that person under the company name
    5. Enter the appropriate contact information
    6. Click Done
    7. You’ll now have an entry in Contacts under the letter ‘I” for ICE


    Is Your Mac Running Slow?

    Here are three quick remedies to increase the performance of your Mac:

    1. Restart your computer at least once a week

    2. Quit any Apps that are open that you don’t use regularly

    3. Repair Permissions

    In the same way that you clean out your physical file drawers, throwing out old papers and then smooshing the file folders to create more space, you can have the Mac do a similar kind of cleaning up.

    1. From the Desktop, click on the GO menu and choose Utilities, and then open Disk Utility
    or, using Spotlight, type in Disk Utility and open in

    2. In the left column, click on the icon of Macintosh HD, your internal hard drive

    3. Click Repair Disk Permissions

    It may take a while, even a long while, to complete the task.

    If it reports errors that were fixed, Click Repair Disk Permissions again to run it again.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    iCal Tip

    If you are looking at your calendar in the Month mode and want to quickly see the Day view, turn your device sideways. (This may not work with iOS7 on the iPad)


    Saving Photos You Receive In An Email

    There’s no need to keep an email just so that you have access to the pictures. Instead, save them right in to iPhoto.

    1. Open the email.

    2. In Lion and Mountain Lion Mail, first click Show Details.

    3. Then click and hold down the SAVE button and choose Add to iPhoto.

    4. iPhoto will open and the pictures will be added to your iPhoto Library.

    5. Now you can delete the email.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Adding a Person’s Photo to Their Contact Info

    It’s fun to have a person’s face appear when you are receiving an incoming call from them on your iPhone or a FaceTime call.

    1. Find the person in your Contacts.

    2. Tap Edit.

    3. In the top left next to their name tap the circle that says Add Photo.

    4. You can either take a picture of them or choose a photo from your Camera Roll.


    Facebook Security Settings

    facebookFacebook is THE social media program for connecting with friends and colleagues and meeting new people. People share photos, inspirational quotes, details about meetings. And many businesses are using Facebook to offer discounts and daily specials.

    You can participate as much or as little as you want to.

    But it’s important to set your privacy settings and notifications so that YOU have control over who sees what and what you you see.

    Here’s a free guide to help you set up your Facebook account to ensure privacy and connection with only the people you want to connect with.

    If you’d like to Friend me on Facebook, I’m RuthRDavis.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Fast Access to Drafts

    Often, you may start writing an email on your mobile device, but decide to finish it later. If you tap Cancel, you get the option to Save the email as a Draft.

    To quickly access the draft to finish it, tap and hold the Compose icon (pen and paper) and it will show a list of all drafts that you created on your iPhone or iPad.

    Sorry, drafts written on your Mac do NOT appear in this list.


    Fast Printing

    Instead of opening up a document in order to print it, you can drag the icon of the document onto the printer icon in the Dock.

    To get your printer into the Dock, open any document and print it. The printer icon will appear briefly in the Dock as it is printing. Click and hold the cursor on the icon and choose Options. Choose Keep in Dock.

    Now, anytime you need to print something, just drag it onto the Printer icon.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Don’t Type Periods

    Instead of actually typing a period at the end of a sentence, double-tap the space bar and it will put in a period and a space so you can just start typing the next sentence.

    If this feature doesn’t work:

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Tap Keyboard

    4. Turn the “.” Shortcut ON

    iOS 7 iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Essential Guide to iOS 7

    I must admit, my first reaction to the new iOS7 was frustration and crankiness. I didn’t like the new colors and motion. I resented the change in swipe directions and the repositioning of buttons.

    But then I had a change of heart.

    Even though I still didn’t like the new look, my brain was learning new things, creating new neural pathways, which staves off dementia. So thanks, Apple, for giving my brain a workout!

    If you have upgraded to OS7, you’ll want to check out Mac2School’s Essential Guide to iOS7.

    Be sure to save it or print it for easy access–it’s packed with tips and shortcuts to help you get used to the new look and feel of the OS.

    Get the Free iOS7 Guide here.


  • May 2013


    Folders in Mountain Lion

    The old way to put similar files into a folder is to first create the folder and then drag the items into it.

    Mountain Lion offers a shortcut:

    1. Select the items by clicking on one, holding down the Command key and clicking on the others.

    2. From the File menu choose New Folder From Selection


    Right-Click (or hold down the Control key and click) on one of the selected items and choose New Folder From Selection from the revealed menu

    3. Title the folder and you’re done.

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Change Your Email Signatures

    Your emails don’t have to say “Sent from my iPad or iPhone. In fact, if you have several email addresses, you can now create a different signature for each account.

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars

    3. Scroll down to Signature and tap

    4. To set the same signature for all email accounts, tap All Accounts and then, in the box below, type what you want to appear at the bottom of every email

    5. To set a different signature for each email account, tap Per Account. All addresses will be listed and you can type in each box


    Using iCloud to Share Mailboxes


    One of my favorite features about iCloud is that I can save important emails on the cloud and am able to access them from my computer, my laptop, my phone AND my iPad, and even from someone else’s computer via the web. I find this especially helpful when I am traveling: all of my flight information, reservation confirmations and other important stuff is with me.

    To set this up:

    1. In Mail, click the plus sign at the bottom of the left column that shows all of your Mailboxes.

    2. Chose to create a New Mailbox.

    3. Title it (ie. TRAVEL)

    4. Next to Location, choose iCloud

    5. Now, drag any important travel emails into this Mailbox. That Mailbox will now be available on all other devices that have your iCloud/me.com/mac.com mail account

    In order to use iCloud to sync your Mailboxes, you need to be running Lion or Mountain Lion. If you’re ready to upgrade, I can help with the transition. Email me for details.

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Sharing iCloud Mailboxes

    To access the Mailboxes you created on iCloud for sharing emails,

    1. In Mail, scroll down past the Inboxes to Accounts

    2. Tap iCloud

    3. Scroll to see all of the Mailboxes


    Tips for Printing iCal Calendars


    Here’s a quick video lesson that will show you several ways to customize what you print from iCal. Yes, you can even print blank monthly calendars!

    Here’s the link–enjoy!

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Hidden Volume Adjuster

    Even faster than pushing the up and down button on the side of your device, you can adjust the volume right on the screen.

    1. Double tap the Home button to reveal the bar that shows all of your recently opened Apps.

    2. Slide that bar all the way to the right until you can’t go any further and you’ll see the volume slider.

    3. You can also adjust the brightness here.

    4. Double tap the Home button when you’re done.


    Google Secrets


    With Safari’s new all-in-one address/search bar you can access some of Google’s powerful features without having to go to google’s page.

    To get a quick definition of a word, type: define and the word

    To check on a flight, type the airline and flight number

    To check a stock price, type the stock symbol

    To bring up a calculator, type in any equation


    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Week

    Returning Recent Calls

    To quickly call back the last person you spoke to, no need to tap on Recent. Instead, from the keypad, tap the Call button and the last number will appear. Tap Call again to dial.

  • May 2012


    iPhoto: Cropping Pictures for Printing

    If you plan to print or order prints of your favorite photos, remember to first crop them to the desired size. Otherwise, the photo lab will crop them for you and you may be disappointed with the results.

    To crop a picture in iPhoto:

    1. In iPhoto, click once on the photo and click Edit from the toolbar at the bottom

    2. Click on the crop tool

    3. From the pull-down list of numbers, choose the size of the print you will be ordering. A rectangular box will appear on the photo.

    4. Drag the corners to resize the rectangle to include what you want in the photo. You’ll notice that if you make it narrower it will also make it shorter–it is constraining the photo to the proportions of the size you selected.

    5. You can reposition the rectangle by dragging in the middle of the rectangle.

    6. You can also change it from a landscape to a portrait by choosing again from the size list–the last choices in the menu give you the option to make it tall (portrait) or wide (landscape).

    7. When you have the desired area selected, click Done.

    Now you have a proper photo of the desired size.

    If you are ordering several different sizes of the same photo, duplicate the photo first (photos menu, choose duplicate) and crop each one to the desired size.

    FOR MORE GREAT iPHOTO TIPS, check out the videos in The Virtual Classroom at http://www.mac2school.com/virtual-classroom-library/

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month

    Turning To-Do’s Into Ta Dones

    The free App, I DONE THIS gets five stars when it comes to writing stuff down and staying motivated, whatever you do. You just tap the icon of the cute dog face and write about everything you got done that day.

    It’s not another TO DO list that might leave you feeling overwhelmed or unaccomplished. I DONE THIS is all about recognizing what you HAVE done. You can scroll through all of the entries and feel a sense of big accomplishment.


    Quicken vs Quicken Essentials

    You’ve probably heard that Intuit finally released a version of Quicken that will work with Lion. Even if you’ve already converted to Quicken Essentials, you can still switch back to the new Quicken.

    Why would you want to?

    ~ Quicken 2007 has much more complete reporting capabilities.

    ~ Quicken 2007 includes automatic backups of your important data.

    ~ Quicken 2007 allows you to pay your bills right from within the program.

    ~ Quicken 2007 tracks investments and securities.

    And more.

    Here’s the link to download the newest Lion compatible version.


    Be sure to read the conversion information too. Or call me and I’ll help you.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month

    Emailing More Than One Photo At a Time

    To send more than one picture in an email:

    1. Tap Photos

    2. Don’t select a picture! Instead, tap the Share icon, the rectangle with the arrow in the top right corner

    3. Now select your photos

    4. Tap Share

    5. Choose Email

    You can also use this technique to Delete several photos at a time.


    Scroll Bar Secrets

    The scroll bar, on the right side of every window, allows you to move up and down the window to see the contents.
    Dragging the scroll bar moves you fast, sometimes too fast. But Dragging the scroll button is the quickest way to go all the way to the top or bottom of a window.

    Clicking the up and down arrows at the bottom of the scroll bar will move you a line at a time. This is great if you are reading a document line by line or looking at individual photos.

    In the System Preferences, under Appearance, you can set the Scroll Bar to either jump to the next page or to the spot that’s clicked.

    This is handy when you are scanning a document or wanting to quickly navigate through a section of your photos.

    BONUS: In Safari, pressing the Space Bar scrolls the window a screen at a time.

    iPad and iPhone App of the Month

    Paper Karma: Get a handle on Junk Mail

    Paper Karma is a free app that helps eliminate all of the junk mail and catalogs that fill up your mailbox. Just snap a photo of the label on any piece of junkmail and send it to the folks at Paper Karma and your name will be removed from that mailing list.


    Updates! Updates! Updates!

    It is so important to keep current with all of your computer software updates. Updates fix bugs, increase security and make things work better.

    Updates for all Apple software will come through Software update, under the Apple menu.

    In addition, if you have purchased software from the APP Store, you will receive notification there as well.

    If you see a red number on the App store icon in the Dock, that means that there is an update waiting for you to install.

    Click to open the App Store, then click on Updates in the top right of the menu bar.

    For Microsoft Office, Quicken, QuickBooks, Firefox and all non-Apple products, you need to check within each of these Apps for an update. Look under the Help menu for a link to Check for Updates.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month


    Yes, of course you can print from your iPad and iPhone. You just need a wireless printer that is Airprint compatible.

    For a complete list of printers that are Airprint compatible, click here.


    Tips and Secrets for Addressing Emails

    Check out this free video that shows you secrets for addressing emails, clearing out incorrect or old addresses and so much more!

    If you like this video, you’ll love the upcoming online class TAME YOUR EMAIL.
    Click here for details.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month

    Four Ways to Conserve Your Battery

    Under Settings:

    1. Turn off Bluetooth if you are not connected to a wireless keyboard

    2. Under General, choose Restrictions, turn off Ping, Apple’s social networking music service

    3. Under the iPod setting, turn off the EQ

    4. Under Location Services, wisely choose which Apps REALLY need to know where you are

  • March 2012


    Missing Folders in Mail with Lion

    Where did all of my folders go? Many clients are emailing me in a panic.

    The triangles that used to appear next to ON MY MAC and iCLOUD and GMAIL that you could click on the reveal your folders are gone.
    To see your folders, hover your mouse over ON MY MAC and iCLOUD and GMAIL where the folders used to be and you’ll see the word SHOW on the right side.

    Click SHOW and all of your folders will appear.

    iPad and iPhone App of the Month

    Where Am I?

    On your iPhone and your iPad if you have a 3G data service, you can immediately find your location on the Map.

    1. Tap the Maps App

    2. In the bottom left corner, tap the arrow

    3. Your location will be marked with a green pin on the map

    4. Turn your device and the map will rotate, based on the direction you are facing- a handy feature when you are using the Maps in walking mode.


    Fast Printing

    Instead of opening up a document in order to print it, you can drag the icon of the document onto the printer icon in the Dock.

    To get your printer into the Dock, open any document and print it. The printer icon will appear briefly in the Dock as it is printing. Click and hold the cursor on the icon and choose Options. Choose Keep in Dock.

    Now, anytime you need to print something, just drag it onto the Printer icon.

    iPad and iPhone App of the Month

    Favorite Apps of the Month

    People are taking more pictures than ever with their iPads and iPhones. If you’d like your pictures to have a little more pizazz, check out these free Photo Apps:

    INSTAGRAM: Pick from several filtered effects and borders, then share your photos on Instagram’s website.

    HIPSTER: Hipster lets you create a send photographs as postcards, complete with a photo, text, location and more.

    PICTURE EFFECT MAGIC: Turn your photo in a retro snapshot or a picture drawn by a pencil or paints. Or just add a frame of flowers–the choices are endless.

    PICIBOOTH: Turn your iPhone and iPad into a photo booth with different backgrounds and cool effects.


    Comparing Pictures in iPhoto

    You can compare two photos in iPhoto by clicking on one, holding down Command and clicking on another. Click Edit and they will appear side by side so you can decide which one is better.

    This is just one of the many tips and shortcuts that you’ll learn in The Virtual Classroom courses All About iPhoto. Whether you are still using iPhoto ’09 or have the newest iPhoto ’11, there’s a course for you.

    Check it out!

    iPad and iPhone App of the Month

    New iOS 5.1 and iPhoto

    With the introduction of the new iPad, there’s also a new iOS for all iPads and the iPhone.

    Download the new iOS 5.1 software under Settings–General–Software Update.

    Once you install the new iOS you can download iPhoto ($4.99) for your iPad and iPhone and do all the editing, effects and organizing you’ve been able to do with the Mac version.

    The iPad and iPhone version also includes Photo Journals, great for sharing your pictures with friends and family on the device and online.

    For a complete review of the new iPhoto for iOS 5.1, click here.


    Lion and Mail: Saving Photos and Attachments

    In the newest version of Mail, the SAVE button isn’t gone, it’s just hidden.

    1. In the top right corner of any email, click on Details.

    2. Now you have the familiar SAVE and QuickLook options.

    3. To Save a picture into iPhoto, just click and hold on SAVE and choose Add to iPhoto from the menu.

    4. To Save an Attachment, click and hold on SAVE, choose SAVE ALL and choose where you want to save it.

    iPad and iPhone App of the Month

    Adding a Person’s Photo to their Contact Info

    It’s fun to have a person’s face appear when you are receiving an incoming call from them on your iPhone or a FaceTime call.

    1. Find the person in your Contacts.

    2. Tap Edit.

    3. In the top left next to their name tap the square that says Add Photo.

    4. You can either take a picture of them or choose a photo from your Camera Roll.

  • September 2011


    iCal: Moving an Event from One Day to the Next

    Instead of deleting an event and recreating it on the correct day:

    Hold down the Option key and drag the event to the desired day.


    Moving Apps From One Screen to Another

    It’s handy to have your most frequently used Apps in the first page. And it’s pretty easy to move your Apps around.

    First, press and hold on the App you want to move. They’ll all start wiggling. Now drag the App to the edge of the current page and it should move to the next page.

    If it doesn’t seem to work, here’s a faster way:

    Once you have everything wiggling, drag the App onto the bottom dock of favorite Apps. Switch to the page you want to move it to, then drag it from the dock onto that page.

    Yes, you can add and rearrange the Apps in that Favorites dock this way too.

    When you’re done rearranging, press the Home button to stop the wiggling.


    The Difference Between the APP store and the iTunes Store

    The APP STORE, found in the Dock and under the Apple menu on your computer, is where you can now go to purchase applications for your Mac. Instead of going to a store and purchasing a DVD, you can now download hundreds of programs and games that work on your Mac.

    To find APPS to use on your iPhone or iPad, you don’t use the APP store. Instead, open iTunes and click on the iTunes Store.

    To quickly find APPS for your Device, try the POWER SEARCH feature.

    On the right side of the iTunes Store Home screen is a list of Quick Links.

    1. Click on Power Search

    2. Click on All Results and change to Apps

    3. Under Device Compatibility, choose your Device

    4. You can search by title, category, even choose to only look for Free Apps.


    Clients Share Their Favorite Apps

    With the thousands of Apps available, it’s hard to know which ones to try. So each month I’ll share some of my clients’ favorite apps.

    The easiest way to find a particular APP:
    On your iPhone or iPad:

    1. Click on App Store icon

    2. Click the Search icon at the bottom

    Or, if you purchase through iTunes on your Mac,use the Power Search feature:

    1. In iTunes, click on iTunes Store

    2. In the far right column under Quick Links, Click on Power Search

    3. Change “All Results” to APPS

    4. Enter words in the Keywords

    5. You can also limit to just iPad or just iPhone

    This month’s recommended apps, available for iPhone and iPad, are all about relaxing. And they’re all FREE so try them!

    Buddhist Meditation (Lite): A free collection of five soul-stirring Buddhist melodies.

    Relax Melodies: Rain, gong, piano, birds, thunder, xylophone, wind–you can combine your favorites sounds to achieve deep relaxation and meditation.

    iZen Garden2 Lite: All the peace and tranquility of a Japanese Zen garden without the sandy mess.

    YogaFree: 250 yoga poses with instructions and photos and more.


    Emails Print Too Small to Read

    Several clients have asked why their emails print in such a tiny font that they can’t read them.

    In the print window, there are several choices.

    If you don’t see them, first click the triangle next to the name of your printer.
    Or, in Lion, click Show Details.

    To have emails print so that you can read them, be sure that
    Keep the same apparent font size is the selected option.


    Charging the Batteries

    The fastest way to charge your iPhone and iPad is with the USB power adapter.

    They will also charge, though slower, when connected to your computer. But if your computer is turned off or in sleep mode, the batteries will NOT charge but, instead, will continue to drain.


    Emailing Pics with iPhoto ’11

    The newest version of iPhoto gives you two choices for emailing photos. By default, a new, fancier email is sent that allows you to choose different styles, like a corkboard or snapshot or collage.

    While these are really fun, the recipient cannot download the pictures because they are embedded in the email and are not attachments.

    To send photos as attachments, you need to change a preference.

    1. In iPhoto click on the iPhoto menu and choose Preferences
    2. Click on the General button
    3. Next to the choice, Email photos using, click on iPhoto
    4. Change it to Mail
    5. Close the Preferences and now choose some photos to send.



    Taking a Screen Shot

    Sometimes you have something on your screen that you want to share with someone in an email.

    To take a snapshot of your screen:

    Press and HOLD the Home button and also press the Sleep/Wake button at the same time. The screen will flash and you’ll hear a click, indicating that a photo has been taken.

    Your screen shots are saved automatically in your Photos gallery where you can view and then email them.

  • February 2011


    Printing In Black Only

    To save ink, consider printing some of your documents in Black Only. It’s called Printing in Grayscale.

    Every printer will address this differently, but here are the basic steps to help you find what you’re looking for with your particular printer.

    1. From the File menu, choose Print

    2. Next to the current choice under the number of pages to print (it may say Layout, or the name of the current program), click to reveal a menu of choices

    3. Choose Quality and Media

    4. At the bottom of the window, put a check mark next to Grayscale

    Forwarding an Email Without All of the Forward Garbage with Apple Mail

    When you Forward an email to someone, it includes the previous recipient information. You could highlight it all and then delete it, or,

    1. Click on the email

    2. From the Message menu, choose Send Again

    A new email is created, ready to address, without any of the extraneous information.

    If the original email was previously forwarded, it may still contain some of that unwanted text, so be sure to delete it before sending it.

    The Missing Keys for Navigation

    One of the hardest adjustments former PC users have to make is getting used to the Mac’s keyboard.

    Today’s tip addresses the missing navigation keys on Apple’s wireless keyboard.

    The Missing Keys for Navigation

    The Apple Wireless Keyboard is sleek, compact and feels great on your fingers. But it’s missing the numeric keypad and a few other keys that some people are lost without.

    Today’s tip is especially for all of you recently converted PC users who miss those special navigational keys.

    Use the FN key (bottom left of your keyboard) with the following keys:

    PAGE UP = FN + up arrow
    PAGE DOWN= FN + down arrow
    HOME = FN + left arrow
    END = FN + right arrow
    FORWARD DELETE = FN + delete

  • January 2011


    Quick Look

    How much time do you waste opening up a document just to see if it’s the one you’re looking for?

    Here’s a fast and easy trick:

    1. Instead of double-clicking to open the document, click once on it to select it.
    2. Press the space bar.
    3. A window will appear, showing you a QUICK LOOK at the contents of the document.
    4. Press the space bar again to close it.

    This works with jpgs, too. If you need to scroll through a list of photos to find the one you’re looking for:

    1. Click on the first photo.
    2. Press the space bar to see what it is.
    3. Press the DOWN arrow on the keyboard to move to the next one.
    4. Continue pressing the DOWN arrow to see all the photos.
    5. Press the space bar when you’re done.

    Saving These Tips (Or any email that contains formatting)

    Many of my clients ask me how they can save these tips for future reference. So today, I’m sharing not one but TWO ways to do it.

    The easiest way to save any email is:

    1. Select the email
    2. From the File menu, choose Save As
    3. Title it with a name that describes what it is so you can find it later
    4. Navigate to the folder in your Documents folder where you want to keep it

    (maybe you have already created a folder for Mac to School Tips. If not, in the bottom left of this window, click on New Folder and create one)

    5. Click Save.

    The only problem with this method is that it converts the email to Plain Text, which means all of the letters and words are there, but you lose all of the formatting: the bold, the pretty boxes, the easy-to-read appearance.

    To save an email with all of its formatting, save it as a PDF.

    Here’s how:

    1. Select the email
    2. From the File menu, Choose Print
    3. Do not click the Print button. Instead, in the bottom left of the window, click PDF
    4. Choose SAVE AS PDF
    5. Title it with a name that describes what it is so you can find it later
    6. Navigate to the folder in your Documents folder where you want to keep it
    7. Click Save.

    Now, when you open the saved tip, it will look exactly like it did when you received it in your email.

    Seeing More Printing Options

    Sometimes you don’t even know you’re missing choices until you see them.

    Today’s tip addresses a question many of my clients ask me: Where are all of my printing options?

    If you don’t see choices for printing, like how many copies and which pages to print, just click the triangle next to the name of your printer to reveal all of your options

    Change What You Look At Everyday:

    The beginning of the year is a great time to look at things with a fresh perspective.

    In my creativity classes I encourage my students to change their visual environments becausewhen you see different things, you begin to see things differently.

    Today’s tip offers ways to do this with your computer.

    – Try typing in a new font
    Move your Dock to the left or right side of the screen
    – Rearrange the things you look at on and around your working space
    – Change your profile picture on Facebook
    Rearrange the icons on your Dock
    Change your desktop picture

    Click here to watch a free video on how to change your desktop picture

    Click here to watch a free video on how to change your Dock

    Backing Up:

    If something happens to your computer (loss, theft, crash, dead hard drive), you could lose everything on it: your addresses, your documents, your photos—EVERYTHING.

    So why not be safe instead of sorry and start backing up your computer regularly.

    I believe there are three levels of backing up, depending on what kind of user you are.

    Click here to download my free HOW AND WHY TO BACK UP instruction sheet to determine which user you are and how to start backing up all of your important information.

    The downloaded document “backingup.pdf” will open automatically in Preview. To save it, click on the File menu, chose Save As, and navigate to the folder you’d like to save it into.

  • June 2010


    How to Set Up a Free iChat Account


    iChat is Apple’s FREE video chatting software. You can use it to talk and video chat with anyone who has a Mac. (Use Skype to talk with PC users.) All you have to do is create a free identity and you’re ready to go!

    When you open iChat for the first time it will ask you to put in your account name. If you have a MobileMe account, click on the word AIM and change it to “MobileMe” then type in your information, along with your password and click Done.

    If you don’t have a MobileMe account, click on the word AIM and change it to “mac.com” and then click Get an iChat Identity.

    Fill in all of the boxes, accept the agreement, click Done and you’re set up to iChat.

    Now you just need to add the Identities of the people you want to chat with.

    If you’d like to try it out, Add me to your Buddy List by clicking the PLUS sign at the bottom of the Buddy List window. My iChat identity is moc.camnull@loohcsotcam

    The next time you see me online, click on my name and we can chat!

    Getting the Most Life Out of Your Batteries

    When dealing with the batteries in your laptop, iPhone, iPod, etc, the general rule is, use it or lose it. This means that, even if you never take your laptop away from your desk, you should unplug it from the power source and run it on the battery so that the battery gets used.
    Many of my clients ask if they should completely drain the battery regularly. Older computers and older portable phones used a different kind of battery that required this. Apple offers specific instructions to maximize the lifespan and battery life for your particular computer and iPod battery on their website. Check it out and get into the habits that they recommend.

    Printing in Black Only

    If you’d like to print something in black and white only, it’s called printing in grayscale.
    1. From the File menu, choose Print
    2. Next to the current choice under the number of pages to print (it may say Layout, or the name of the current program), click to reveal a menu of choices
    3. Choose Quality and Media
    4. At the bottom of the window, put a check mark next to Grayscale

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