Clear Out Your Inbox, One Email At A Time:

These days we get so many emails that it’s hard, if not impossible to keep up. We tend to leave things in our INBOX for that “someday” when we’ll have time to decide what to do with them.

Sure, there are many you need to keep.

But I’m guessing that there are just as many that you really don’t need. Or at least don’t need to keep in your INBOX.

Here are step by step instructions to SAVE AN EMAIL into your Documents folder, where you can easily find it.

1. Click on the email.

2. From the File menu, choose SAVE AS

3. The box next to SAVE AS is highlighted in blue with the current name of that email. Without clicking type a title that actually means something and identifies what the email is about.

4. Now decide where you want to save it. If you don’t see a lot of choices, click on the triangle next to the title you just typed. It will reveal the Sidebar where you can click on the Documents folder.

5. Consider creating a folder for all of these kinds of emails, liked SAVED JOKES, or NOTES FROM MOM. You can create a folder by clicking New Folder in this window.

6. Click SAVE when you have navigated to the folder where you will later find this saved email.

Now you can delete the email from your Inbox and save or delete another one.

If you have hundreds of emails in your Inbox, try doing just 20 minutes a day. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will get through it all.

Claim More Desk Space — Move Your Dock:

The Dock is that strip on the bottom of your Desktop with all of the icons on it. It’s a handy tool for quickly opening all of your favorite programs.

Most computer screens are wider than they are tall, and the Dock takes up precious screen space. Some people solve this issue by Hiding the Dock.

If you like to see your Dock, but still want more screen space, consider moving it to the side. Under the Apple menu, choose Dock, slide the mouse over and choose Position on Right or Left. It’ll take a day or two to get used to the new location, but I think you’ll really appreciate the full screen space.

FOR MORE GREAT TIPS ABOUT THE DOCK, the Desktop and more efficient ways to use the Finder, check out the video tutorials ALL ABOUT THE FINDER.


A lot of us use Post It! Notes to jot down notes and remind us of things to do.

Did you know the Mac has a free application called STICKIES that does the same thing on your computer’s Desktop?

Stickies lets you create as may notes as you want. You can color-code them, move them to different places on your Desktop, even arrange them by color, date, and content.

To use Stickies, click on the GO menu in the Finder. Choose Applications. Scroll down until you see STICKIES. Open it.

To create a New Note, choose New Note from the File menu. Under the Note menu, you can make the notes transparent so that you can still see what’s behind them. You can change the color of the note with the Color menu.

And to sort them, from the Window menu, choose Arrange.

Play with the different choices and see what works best for you. Or, if it feels to cluttered, just stick to the real Post It Notes.

Working With Many Windows: Exposé

Expos√© is one of the coolest tools for people who work with many open windows on their computer. Instead of rearranging windows on your screen, closing files and then re-opening them, Expos√© exposes everything that’s open and then you can quickly click on the window you want to work with.

To set up Exposé:
Under the Apple menu, choose System Preferences
Click on Expose and Spaces
Click on the Expose tab

here you can choose what keystroke will activate Expose.

Next to “All Windows” choose a key (I use Right Option)
While you’re here, do the same for Show Desktop (I use Right Shift)

I don’t bother setting a keystroke for the Applications window since all the programs I use are in the Dock.

Now, try it–
Close the System Preferences and press the key you set for All Windows.


Now you can quickly see everything that’s open. Just click on the window you want to work in.

Press the key you set for Desktop and see what happens. Press it again to return to normal.