Zooming in Safari

You can zoom to see the entire page larger or just the text on the page.

To Zoom In on the entire page:

From the View menu choose Zoom In several times
Hold down the Command key and press the + several times.

To Zoom Out:

From the View menu choose Zoom Out
Hold down the Command key and press the – several times

To only increase the size of the text:

From the View menu, choose Zoom Text Only.

This feature may not work on all web pages.

iPad Tip of the Week

View Browsing History

To see the last few websites you’ve visited, tap and hold on the back arrow in the Safari window.

Tap on any of them to return to that site.

To see a full history of where you’ve been:

Tap on the bookmarks icon (looks like an open book)
You’ll see three icons on the bottom, a book, a clock and a pair of glasses
Tap the book icon to see all of your Bookmarks
Tap the glasses to access your Reading List
Tap the clock to see your History
Tap on any item to go there


Bookmarking Tabs in Safari

Some of us like to open each website in a new window while others prefer working with Tabs.

I like to use both, depending on the situation. If I am just going from one site to another, I’ll use windows so that I can navigate with the Back arrow. But if I am researching a trip or looking for information on a particular topic, I may choose to open those windows as Tabs, by holding down the Command key when I open the page.

Using Tabs keep all windows open and active, allowing me to move between pages without having to go back, back. back.

With all of those Tabs open, sometimes I’d like to Bookmark them all as a collection.

To Bookmark a set of open tabs as a collection:

1. From the Bookmarks menu, Choose Add Bookmark for These Tabs
2. Type a name for the collection
3. Choose a location from the pop-up menu
4. Click Add

Now, when you click on that Bookmark in the list where you saved it, you’ll have access to all of those tabbed windows

iPad Tip of the Week

Photos On The Go

If you’re planning to travel this summer with your digital camera and don’t want to carry your laptop to transfer all of the photos you’ll be taking, you can easily connect your camera or SD card directly to your iPad with a USB Camera Connector.

In addition to connecting your camera, the connector lets you attach a USB keyboard and many USB microphones and headsets.

Sorry, the USB Camera Connector doesn’t work with an iPhone.


The New Mavericks: What Should Snow Leopard Users Do?

Several clients have asked me about Mavericks, Apple’s newest OS announced earlier this week and coming in the Fall. It looks like there will be some great new tools for organizing files and sharing between devices. You can read all about the new features on Apple’s website.

You can also preview the new iOS7 for iPhones and iPads, also due in the Fall.

And you can check out the system requirements for the new versions here.

While indications are that you will probably be able to upgrade from Snow Leopard directly to the new Mavericks OS, you may want to start the upgrade process NOWso that you can start taking advantage of iCloud, syncing between your iPad and iPhone and using some of the cool new apps and features.

I can help you with the upgrade, before, during and after, so that everything works and you’re comfortable with the changes.

We’ll meet virtually to make sure your computer can handle the new OS, upgrade any software and, most importantly, I’ll help you tweak Mountain Lion so that it looks and feels and works the way you’d like it.

Drop me an email and we’ll talk!

P.S. Not sure what version of the OS you’re running? Under the Apple menu, choose About This Mac. 10.6.8 is Snow Leopard, 10.7 is Lion, 10.8 is Mountain Lion.

Three Secret Shortcuts for Deleting Text

One way to remove unwanted text is to use the Delete key. Another is to highlight the word or words and then press the Delete key.

Here are three secret shortcuts to make editing even easier:

For PC converts who miss the Forward Delete key:

Hold down the FN key and press the Delete key

To delete an entire word:

Position the cursor at the end of the word, press and hold the Option key while hitting the Delete key

To delete an entire line of text:

Position the cursor at the end of the line, press and hold the Command while hitting the Delete key

iPad Tip of the Week

What To Do If Your iPhone Gets Wet

Before putting it in a bag of rice:

1. Remove from water as soon as humanly possible.

2. Turn the iPhone off immediately by holding down the power button until it shuts off.

3. Remove any case or enclosure right away since they can trap in moisture. Screen protectors are fine to leave on unless there’s an obvious water bubble.

4. Dry out the iPhone as best as you can using cloth (t-shirt, socks, whatever is readably available) or an absorbent material. Wipe down the screen, sides, and back. Pay special attention to the power button, volume buttons, mute switch, speakers and microphones, and the audio output jack, try and get all visible moisture soaked up.

5. Use a Q-Tip if possible to try and soak up extra water from the audio output jack and in small crevices. If you’re out and about or have no q-tips handy, a little stick or sharp pencil poking through a t-shirt or cotton material can work too.

6. Disconnect any headphones, ports, chargers, USB cables, or accessories immediately.

7. Now with all visible water removed, you’re ready to stuff the iPhone into a rice bag.

8. Put the iPhone Into a Sealed Bag Full of Rice.

Here are the basic requirements:

– A zip-lock bag or similar that is air tight
– Rice, any generic type, ideally not “enriched” (more on that in a second)
– Patience for at least 36 hours

Fill a zipper locked bag fairly full of rice so that the entire iPhone will be covered, then place the iPhone into the bag and seal it shut with some air in the bag.

Any type of rice works, but try to avoid enriched rice as it leaves a lot of white residual powder in the bag and it will also get into the ports and buttons on the iPhone.

The patience part is the hardest, and generally the longer you wait the better the likely outcome because you want all water inside the device to be completely absorbed by the rice before trying to power it on again.

Once you’ve waited at least 36 hours, open the rice bag and check out the iPhone. If you suspect the iPhone has any residual moisture left in it at all, do not power it on. If all seems well, go ahead and turn it on as usual. If all goes well, it’ll power on as usual, and your iPhone will have survived the water encounter!

Thanks to OSXDaily for the tip!


Claim More Desk Space: Move The Dock

The Dock is that strip on the bottom of your Desktop with all of the icons on it. It’s a handy tool for quickly opening all of your favorite programs.

Most computer screens are wider than they are tall, and the Dock takes up precious screen space. Some people solve this issue by Hiding the Dock.

If you like to see your Dock, but still want more screen space, consider moving it to the side.

1. Under the Apple menu, choose Dock

2. Slide the mouse over and choose Position on Right or Left

It may take a day or two to get used to the new location, but I think you’ll really appreciate the full screen space.

iPad Tip of the Week

Undo and Redo

Did you know there is a way to UNDO and REDO on your iPad and iPhone?

If you accidentally delete some text, you can undo your last action in Mail or Notes.

On the iPad:

To UNDO, tap to access the number keyboard, then tap the Undo key.

To REDO, tap to access the Symbol keyboard, then tap the Redo key.

As an alternative, you can also shake your device to undo and redo, like this:

After deleting some text, hold your iPad firmly with your both hands and give it a quick shake, and the Undo button slides in for you to undo.

To redo, shake it again.

On the iPhone:

There are no Undo and Redo keys but shaking works for both.
