• May 2014



    Shortcuts for Deleting Text

    One way to remove unwanted text is to use the Delete key. Another is to highlight the word or words and then press the Delete key.

    Here are three secret shortcuts to make editing even easier:

    For PC converts who miss the Forward Delete key:

    Hold down the FN key and press the Delete key

    To delete an entire word:

    Position the cursor at the end of the word, press and hold the Option key while hitting the Delete key
    Double click in the word to highlight it, then press Delete

    To delete an entire line of text:

    Position the cursor at the end of the line, press and hold the Command while hitting the Delete key

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    4 Tips for Charging Your Mobile Device

    battery-charger1. To give your iPad and iPhone batteries the longest life possible, you want to make sure you completely cycle it once a month. That means charging it to 100%, draining it down to 0% (until it automatically shuts off), and then charging it all the way to 100% again.

    2. Put your device into Airplane Mode and it will charge twice as fast. Remember to switch back when you’re done or you won’t have phone service or wifi access.

    3. Apple branded chargers work much faster than third party brands.

    4. Plugging directly into the wall will charge your device faster than plugging into your Mac.


    iTunes: Authorizing and Deauthorizing Users

    itunesWhen you purchase music from the iTunes Store you initially have permission to only play it on the computer you purchased it on. If you want to be able to play your purchased music on your other computers and mobile devices, you need to give them permission. You can authorize as many as five devices to share your purchased music.

    In iTunes, click on the Store menu
    Choose Authorize the Computer

    To see what other devices are authorized, under the Store menu, choose View Account

    If you have a computer or mobile device that you no longer use, you should Deauthorize that device.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Safari History

    safari-history1Lots of features have moved and changed in the newest version of Safari. The History icon used to be right there at the bottom of the screen. Now you have to go find it.

    1. In Safari Tap the Bookmarks icon at the bottom. It looks like an open book.

    2. If you don’t see icons at the bottom, tap the top of the window to reveal them.

    3. You should see a list of choices: Favorites, History, Bookmarks menu

    4. Easy. But if you’ve previously selected Favorites or the menu, to return to see these choices, tap the Bookmarks word in the top left corner to the complete list.

    5. This is also where you can access your Reading List


    Camera Trick: Burst Mode

    Did you know you can take a quick series of photos with your iPhone and iPad?

    Hold down the shutter button in your camera and you’ll automatically activate Burst mode. Your phone or iPad will take a series of photos in rapid succession and save them to your camera so you can choose the best action shot.

  • April 2014



    Calendar Trick

    I tend to work with my calendar in Month view, so that I can get an overview of my work schedule and not overextend myself or overbook. But then, I want to be able to quickly go to a certain day to see the details.

    To quickly switch from Month View to Day View so that I can see everything on a particular date, double click on the number of the date.

    For more great ways to use Calendar, sign up for the upcoming THE ORGANIZED MAC class.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Secret Tools

    Did you know that iOS 7 includes a handy compass? And a level?

    secret-toolsThe Compass app shows your current city and state next to the compass reading and it also displays full latitude and longitude coordinates below. And if you want to follow a particular bearing (for example, 17 degrees northwest), you can tap the compass face once to set it. As you move around, the compass draws a red arc on the inside of the circle, showing how far you’re deviating from your original course.

    But did you know there’s also a handy level?

    Open the Compass app, calibrate it as directed, then swipe to the left to reveal the level.

    To use the level, place your iPad or iPhone flat on its back. Two overlapping white circles appear with a degree of measurement in the center. As you adjust the level, the circles change until they overlap perfectly for more than a few seconds. When it is level, the background will turn bright green.

    Hold your device in landscape or portrait, and you access a rectangular level, dividing the screen into white and red rectangles. When the white rectangle reaches equilibrium with the red rectangle, the latter turns bright green.

    If it’s not working correctly, quit the Compass app, re-open it and calibrate again.


    Safari Settings

    safari1A reader recently asked: “When I click on Safari, instead of just the Google page coming up, there is a page titled: Top Sites. How do I return to just the Google page?”

    The newest version of Safari may have changed your default settings, including what shows when you first open Safari.

    1. In Safari, under the Safari menu choose Preferences

    2. Click the General tab

    3. This is where you choose what you want to appear when you open Safari.
    If you don’t use Top Sites, change to Homepage

    4. This is also where you can set what the Homepage is

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Navigating in Safari

    iOS 7 changed how you navigate with Safari. When a page opens, you can see the Address Bar at the top, but as you peruse the page, that bar disappears. So do the Forward and Back arrows, and the other icons at the bottom of the screen

    So how do you get back to searching?

    Tap the top area where you expect the Address Bar to be and it will re-appear. The tools at the bottom also return.

    Tap it again to highlight the current address so you can type a new search in the box.

    To return to a page you recently visited, tap the Pages icon at the bottom right.
    Close any pages you’re done with by tapping the X


    Changing Passwords

    passwordLast week’s Heartbleed bug affected the security of many favorite websites. This Money Magazine article from April 11 suggests that you change your passwords on several top sites, including Gmail, Yahoo and Facebook.

    You do not need to change any of your Apple passwords!

    Your iCloud password and all of your passwords that are stored in Apple’s iCloud Keychain are secure.

    As you visit sites where you have since changed a password, iCloud Keychain will ask if you want to save the new password. Say yes.


    When choosing a new password, consider something more cryptic, even if it is hard to remember. Experts suggest choosing a sentence or phrase and taking the first letters of each word, combining capital and lowercase letters and also including some numbers.

    For example, the phrase: take me to the beach this year
    could be the password tM2tB14

    And every time you type it, you’ll think about taking yourself to the beach.

    Experts also recommend having four different user name and passwords… one for low level usage, like when you have to give an email address, one for your email accounts, one for high level things like banking and purchases, and one in the middle for everything else.

    I recommend that you write everything down in a notebook. And if you need it online, at least save it in a password-protected document on a secure cloud server like iCloud.

    If you’re looking for an online password solution, 1PASSWORD gets high marks from many of my clients. They’re offering a 20% off special here: https://agilebits.com/store

    And remember, when you change your Gmail or Yahoo passwords on their websites, you’ll also have to change it in the Mail settings on your Mac, iPhone and iPad.


    Auto Typing with Text Expander

    Users of Mavericks can now take advantage of a built-in text expander. If you type the same phrases, you can create shortcuts for this frequently uses text.

    Let’s say you often type “Love you much” in your emails.

    You can create a shortcut so that, when you type LYM it will automatically type the complete phrase.

    1. From the Apple menu, open System Preferences

    2. Click on the Keyboard icon

    3. Click on the Text tab

    4. Click the + at the bottom of the left column to create a new shortcut

    5. Type the shortcut keys and the full text in the appropriate spaces

    6. Close System Preferences

    7. Open up Mail or a word processing document and try it!

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Auto Typing With Text Expander

    Do you type the same phrases all of the time on your iPad or iPhone? You can create shortcuts for these frequently used sentences.

    Let’s say you often type “Love you much” in your emails.

    You can create a shortcut so that, when you type LYM it will automatically type the complete phrase.

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Scroll all the way down to Keyboard

    4. Scroll down to Shortcuts

    5. Tap Add New Shortcut…

    6. Type in the complete phrase, ie: Love you much!

    7. Next to “Shortcut” type the letters you want to use for that phrase, ie: lym

    8. Tap SAVE

    9. Open up Mail and try it!


    Cookies, Explained

    When you walk into any store these days, you are giving them permission to film you on their surveillance videos, to know that you’ve been in their store. Cookies do the same thing. They give the website owners information about you as a consumer.

    If you turn off all cookies, you won’t be able to access most websites. But you can control who has access to your information.

    1. In Safari, under the Safari menu, choose Preferences
    2. Click on the Privacy icon
    3. Next to Cookies and other website data, click on the Details button
    4. You’ll see a list of every website that you’ve visited
    5. Click on one or hold down the Command key to select more than one
    6. Click to Remove
    You can choose to Remove All, but then you may have to reenter information the next time you visit that website
    7. Make it a habit to clear out cookies data regularly, especially from sites your no longer visit so that they are no longer gathering information about you

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Battery Life

    To get the most battery life out of your iPad and iPhone, completely cycle it once a month.

    1. Charge it to 100%
    2. Drain it down to 0 (until it automatically shuts off)
    3. Then charge it all the way to 100% again

    Plugging the device into a power outlet will charge it faster than plugging it into your computer. Also, Apple branded chargers work must faster than thitd party brands.

  • March 2014



    Adding US Holidays to iCal

    In previous versions of iCal, you had to subscribe to any extra calendars you anted, like US holidays. Now, it’s an easy click.

    1. In iCal, click on the Calendar menu
    2. Click on Preferences
    3. Click on the General icon
    4. Put a check mark to show US Holidays
    5. If you enter people’s birthdays in your Contacts and also want them to appear in your calendars, click Birthdays also

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    iCal–Where’s the Weekly View?

    iOS 7 gives you choices for year, month and day, but how do you see an entire week?
    Turn your iPhone or iPad sideways!


    Moving a Document from iCloud Back to Your Mac

    If you use Pages, Numbers or Keynote, Apple assumes you want to save your documents to iCloud, which is why the SAVE box defaults to iCloud. If you’re not paying attention, it’s easy to accidentally save something there.

    To move a document from iCloud to your Mac:

    1. Open Pages (or Numbers or Keynote, whichever applies)
    2. Click on iCloud
    3. You should see the document
    4. Open it
    5. From the file menu, choose MOVE TO
    6. Click on Where and click on Desktop
    7. Save

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Yet Another iOS 7.1 Has Fixes and Features

    Last week Apple released a new version for iPad and iPhone users. iOS 7. In addition to fixing bugs, iOS7 has a few improvements that are actually worth the upgrade.

    For those of us who wished for a darker keyboard, Apple listened. Now, in Settings, in Accessibility, if you choose Bold Text, it will also replace the current keyboard with one that has thicker, darker letters.

    Also in iOS7, the monthly calendar view has a new icon – a rectangle with two horizontal lines under it. Tap it to see that familiar list of an individual day’s events.


    Zooming in iPhoto

    The ZOOM slider in the bottom left of iPhoto does two different things, depending on what screen you are in.

    When you are browsing your Library of Photos (as photos, events, Faces) moving the slider will affect the size of the thumbnails and how many pictures you can see at a time.

    When you are editing a photo or have double-clicked the photo to be bigger, the ZOOM slider can be used to zoom in on an area of the photo. This is especially helpful if you are using the Retouch tool for fine editing.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Two Ways to Delete Photos

    There is no quick way to delete a lot of photos on your iPad or iPhone. You have to select them individually, then choose to put them in the trash.

    Tap Photos
    Tap the Albums
    Find where the pictures are that you want to delete
    Tap Select in the top right corner
    Tap as many photos as you want at a time
    Tap the Trash icon, top left

    If you are wanting to delete all of your photos, connect your mobile device to your Mac and follow the online prompts in iPhoto to delete all.

    Be sure you have transferred all of the photos to your Mac first if you want to keep them.


    Customize Your Screen Saver

    When your computer is idle for a period of time, you can choose to have your favorite photos appear on the screen.

    To set your Screen Saver:

    1. From the Apple menu choose System Preferences
    2. Click on the Desktop & Screen Saver icon
    3. Click on the Screen Saver tab
    4. In the left column, choose one of the styles. It will show a preview of what it will do
    5. Click next to Source to choose the most recently added photos or, to access a specific album or event in iPhoto, choose Photo Library
    6. Click on the desired album or Event
    7. choose shen it should start


    If you don’t want to wait for the Screen Saver to activate, set a Hot Corner
    In the Screen Saver set up, click on Hot Corners in the bottom right
    It shows the four corners of a screen
    Choose the corner you use least often, probably the bottom left or right
    To try it, move your mose/cursor all the way into that chosen corner, off the screen. let go and wait a moment while the screen saver begins!

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Change Your Wallpaper

    As fun as it is to have a favorite photo on your iPhone and iPad lock screen, it’s quite refreshing to change the images every once in a while.

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap Wallpapers and Brightness
    3. Know whether you are changing the lock screen on the home screen (you might choose a less busy image for the home screen so you can still read the screen)
    4. Navigate to find the photo is that you want to use
    5. If you choose one of Apple’s wallpapers, know that Dynamic will use more battery power than Still
    6. Choose the photo, choose which screen to apply it to
    7. Enjoy!

  • February 2014



    Backing Up With Time Machine

    time-machineTime Machine is Apple’s free, built-in backup software. It works with all versions of the Mac OS from Leopard on up.

    To use Time Machine you just need to purchase an external hard drive to connect to your computer. Depending on the model of your Mac, you can use a Firewire, USB or Thunderbolt cable connection.

    External drives come in a variety of sizes, measured in GB (gigabytes) all the way up to TB (terabytes). It’s best to purchase at least a 500GB drive, more if you have a lot of photos and music. You do not need a Time Capsule unless you don’t already have a wireless network. Time Capsule is both an external hard drive AND a wireless router.

    To Set Up Time Machine:

    1. Connect the external drive to your computer
    2. Turn it on if it has a power switch
    3. A message will appear asking if you want to use your external drive as a Time Machine backup
    4. Say yes
    5. You may get a message that you need to completely erase the new drive to use it. Say OK
    6. Confirm that you want to use the disk for backup
    7. And you’re done

    * It will begin backing up in a few minutes. You’ll see the Time Machine icon in the top right of your menu bar rotating as it backs up.

    * The first time Time Machine backs up, it may take several hours. So you may want to stop the backup and then start at a more convenient time. You can make these choices from the Time Machine icon in the top right of the menu bar. It’s the counterclockwise arrow.

    * After the initial backup, it will backup every hour, but only the files that have been changed.

    Restoring Only Some Files Using Time Machine
    In addition to being able to replicate your entire computer’s hard drive, Time Machine can also retrieve lost files on a daily basis.

    Have you ever had a document saved someplace that you accidentally deleted and then you emptied the trash, only to realize you deleted the wrong file?

    Time Machine can get that file back!

    1. From the Finder, under the File menu, choose Find
    2. Type in the name of the file you are wanting to restore
    3. You can search the entire computer (this Mac) or limit the search by specifying certain criteria
    4. Click the Time Machine icon at the top and choose Enter Time Machine
    5. Your computer screen will switch to the Time Machine application
    6. Use the arrows and the timeline along the right edge of your screen to browse through the Time Machine backups. Your search is performed in every window.
    7. When you find the item you want to restore, select it and then click Restore.
    8. The item will be returned to its original location before you deleted it.


    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Important Security Ipdate for iOS7

    Apple announced a potential security issue and has released an update for iOS7 users. On your iPad or iPhone:

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap General
    3. Tap Software Update
    4. Follow the prompts to install the update


    Adding Your Signature to Online Contracts

    These days we handle so many transactions online to make things faster and easier. But what about signing things?

    Some folks think they have to print out the PDF, sign it, then either snail mail it or scan it it and email it back to the sender.

    With Mountain Lion and Mavericks, there’s a much easier way!

    1. Open the PDF you need to sign.

    2. From the Tools menu, choose Annotate, choose Signature

    3. A window open, guiding you to write your name in black ink on white paper and hold it up to the Mac’s built-in camera

    4. Line up the signature with the blue line on the screen and click Accept. (That’s the hardest part–keeping the paper straight while you click the button.)

    5. It saves your signature

    6. Now, find the line in the PDF where your signature goes and click on the pull-down menu with a scripted S in Preview’s toolbar

    7. Click on your signature and it will appear in the PDF document

    8. Drag it into place, onto the signature line

    9. Save the document

    10. Email it to the sender!

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Even Faster Charging

    Your iPhone and iPad will charge twice as fast if you put it in Airplane mode.

    1. Tap Settings or swipe to reveal the Control Center

    2. Turn Airplane mode on

    3. Remember to turn it back off when you’re device is charged


    How To Delete Old Email Addresses That Keep Showing Up, Even After You Remove Them From Contacts

    Apple Mail remembers everyone you’ve ever sent an email to. Even if you’ve updated a person’s information in Contacts, their old address may still pop up.

    If an incorrect address keeps appearing as a choice:

    1. In Mail from the Window menu, choose Previous Recipients

    2. You’ll notice that many names in the list have an icon of an index card next to them. These people are in your Contacts

    3. You can sort the list by clicking on the header for Name or Address, Last Used

    4. You can go through the list and select people who don’t have the card next to their name and click to Add to Contacts

    5. You can find the bad address and remove it individually

    6. To clear the list completely, from the Edit menu, choose Select All, then click to Remove From List

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Seeing Only Certain Contacts on Your Phone

    All of your contacts are stored in one place and are automatically synced with all of your devices. But many folks don’t want to SEE all of their contacts on their iPhone. They just want to see the people they call.

    On your Mac:

    1. Open Contacts and, from the File menu, choose New Group
    2. Name it “phone” or something similar
    3. Click on All Contacts in the left column
    4. Find the people you want to see on your iPhone
    5. Move them into the new “phone” group
    6. You can select them one at a time and drag them on top of the group you just created or
    7. Click on one name, hold down the Command key and select others
    8. Drag one person on top of the phone group and they will all go

    On your iPhone:

    1. Tap Phone
    2. Tap Contacts
    3. Tap Groups in the top left
    4. Tap each listed group to remove the check mark so that only the new Phone list is checked
    5. Tap Done

    While only these names will show, you can still use Spotlight to search for people not in this group

    Another option is to put your most used people and numbers in the Favorites section.


    A Fun Way to Email Photos with iPhoto

    You probably know how easy it is to email pictures from iPhoto. But with iPhoto ’11 you have a choice about how those photos appear.

    You can choose to have them just be attachments right in the email. Or, try this:

    1. In iPhoto, under the iPhoto menu, choose Preferences

    2. Click on the General icon

    3. Next to “Email Photos Using, choose iPhoto

    4. Close Preferences


    1. Choose some pictures you’d like to send (Click one photo, hold down the Command key and select others)

    2. Click the right facing Share arrow in the bottom toolbar

    3. Choose Email

    4. In the right column you now have several themes to choose from

    5. Each theme will suggest how many photos work best

    6. Add text in the designated spaces

    7. Be sure to check the box next to Attach Photos to Message so that the recipient can download the photos.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    The Fastest Way To Charge Your Device

    Your iPhone and iPad will charge much faster if you plug them directly into a wall outlet instead of your computer.

    Be sure to drain the battery at least once a month to maximize performance.

  • January 2014



    Signatures in Mail

    A signature can automatically appear at the bottom of your email. It can be your name, your contact information, even a favorite quote. You can create several different signatures and choose which one you want for a particular email.

    To create a signature:

    1. First, create a new email message so you have a place to type

    2. Type everything you want to appear, including choosing the font, size, color

    3. Highlight it all

    4. From the Edit menu, choose Copy

    5. Then, under the Mail menu, choose Preferences

    6. Click on the Signatures icon

    7. Click the “+” sign at the bottom of the middle column to create a new signature

    8. Title it in the middle column where it is highlighted in blue

    9. In the right column, delete the text that appears there

    10. From the Edit menu, choose Paste

    Your typed text will appear.

    To actually USE the signature, you have to now assign it to an email account.

    1. Drag that named signature from the middle column to on top of the email address in the left column that you want to use it with.

    2. Click on that email address and, at the bottom, under Choose Signature, decide whether you always want that signature to appear or, if you choose None, then you can select the signature when you want to use it in a particular email.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Signatures in Mail

    By default, every email you send says “Sent from my iPhone or iPad.” You can remove this and even add your own signature. You can even have a different signature for each of your email accounts.

    1. From the Home screen, tap on Settings

    2. Scroll down and tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars

    3. Scroll all the way down and tap Signature

    4. Choose All Accounts if you want to use the same signature for all of your email accounts

    5. Click Per Account if you want to create unique signatures for each email account

    6. Delete the existing text and type what you’d like it to say

    7. There is no need to Save it, just tap back to Mail and you’ll see that, next to Signature, it now shows either the text you typed or the number of how many email accounts you have


    Too Many Emails? Unsubscribe!

    I have clients with more than 3000 emails in their inbox. Yes, this can slow things down. Yes, it makes it hard to find what’s important. But more than that, it often causes some anxiety.

    People think the goal is to have a Zero inbox.

    Really the goal is to only receive mail from people you want to hear from.

    You can start by unsubscribing from all of the newsletters you receive and do not read. You can always get the information on their website. You can re-sign up if you find that you miss it.

    Take 10 or 15 minutes a day and go through all of the subscription emails you receive. When’s the last time you actually READ them? Do you even resonate with the content? Unsubscribe from anything that you haven’t opened in the last six months. goes for stores, catalogs, magazines, newsletters.

    In fact, unsubscribing from unwanted emails is much easier than canceling catalogs that get delivered to your house.

    1. Open an email you no longer want to receive.

    2. Scroll down to the bottom and look for a link to UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE SETTINGS. Follow the prompts to remove your name from their mailing list.

    3. Then delete the email from your inbox.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Emoticons: Part 2

    If you tried typing those fun characters and didn’t see the globe on the keyboard, my apologies. I forgot to tell you how to set it up:

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap General
    3. Tap Keyboard
    4. Tap Keyboards
    5. Add a Keyboard
    6. Choose Emoji
    7. Close Settings

    Now, anytime you want to type a fun character:

    1. On the keyboard, tap the world globe icon to the left of the space bar
    2. Choose the characters you want
    3. Tap the globe again to return to your regular keyboard


    Scroll Bar Secrets

    The scroll bar, on the right side of every window, allows you to move up and down the window to see the contents.

    Dragging the scroll bar moves you fast, sometimes too fast. But Dragging the scroll button is the quickest way to go all the way to the top or bottom of a window.

    Clicking the up and down arrows at the bottom of the scroll bar will move you a line at a time. This is great if you are reading a document line by line or looking at individual photos.

    In the System Preferences, under Appearance, you can set the Scroll Bar to either jump to the next page or to the spot that’s clicked.

    This is handy when you are scanning a document or wanting to quickly navigate through a section of your photos.

    This is also where you can set to Always Show Scroll Bars, instead of having to hover the cursor to reveal them.

    BONUS: In Safari, pressing the Space Bar scrolls the window down a screen at a time. Shift plus Space Bar scrolls the window up a screen at a time.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Quick Scroll to the Top

    When you reach the bottom of an article, or an email or the news feed in FaceBook, instead of scrolling all the way back to the top:

    Just double tap in the very top black horizontal menu space where the time and battery are displayed and you’ll zip right up to the top of the screen.


    Managing Passwords

    With all of the user names and passwords that you have to remember, how do you keep track of them all?

    I highly recommend that you keep a Master List, on paper, in a notebook and make sure it is updated regularly.

    But this isn’t convenient for travelers or users of more than one device.

    There are online services that will store your passwords for you BUT, who are they? How long will they be in business? How secure is their site?

    Your Mac has always stored saved passwords in Keychain Access, an app found in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder. To reveal a saved password, you just need to know the master password for the computer.

    Mavericks and iOS7 now give you the option of storing all of your Passwords on Apple’s iCloud Keychain.

    To activate the iCloud Keychain,

    1. Open System Preferences
    2. Click on iCloud
    3. Check the box next to Keychains
    4. You will be required to create a four-digit password
    6. Activate the Keychain on your iPad and iPhone also

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    iCloud Keychain

    The new iOS7 allows you to save your passwords on Apple’s iCloud. To activate this feature,

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap iCloud
    3. Tap Keychain
    4. Follow the prompts to set up your password

  • December 2013



    Stop Saving These Tips!

    I am thrilled that you save these. That you see the value in the information. Some of you even print them in a notebook and reference them.

    But most of you never look at them again. Yet you save them in a Mailbox in Mail, or in a separate folder in your Documents.

    Thank you. I appreciate the thought.

    Now delete them all.

    All of the tips are archived on the mac2school/tips website.

    Just use Safari’s built-in search feature to find what you’re looking for.

    1. In Safari, from the Edit menu choose Find
    or hold down the Command key and type F

    2. A search box appears in the top right of the toolbar

    3. Type the text you’re looking for and press the Return key

    4. It will tell you how many there are and the first match will be highlighted

    5. Press the Return key again to move to the next match

    Be sure to check on all pages by scrolling to the bottom and clicking on the next page number, then searching again.

    To delete the folder where you’ve been saving all of these tips:

    1. Click once on the folder (Mailbox)

    2. From the Mailbox menu choose Delete Mailbox

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Secrets About the Flashlight

    The new iOS7 includes a flashlight in the Control Center. Swipe UP from the locked screen or the Home Screen to access it.

    There are several ways to turn the flashlight OFF:

    1. Use Control Center to turn the iPhone flashlight on as usual


    2. Tap the Home button to show the lock screen, then tap the Camera icon in the bottom right (no need to slide on Camera to access it, just touch the icon


    Typing Emoticons

    Emoticons are those cartoon characters that people include in emails and on FaceBook. They are those winking smiley faces and colorful hearts and random, fun images of things in our lives.

    Built into the Mac since Lion, you can easily add these characters.

    For Mavericks:

    When you’re ready to type a character, activate the Emoji keyboard by holding the Control key and Command key and pressing the Space Bar.
    The Emoji characters will appear.Click on the one you want to use

    For Mountain Lion and Lion:

    1. Under the Apple menu, choose System Preferences
    2. Click on the Keyboard icon
    3. Check the box to Show Keyboard and Character Viewers in menu
    4. A new icon appears in the top right menu bar, next to the clock
    5. Click it to show the Character Viewer
    6. The left column shows the different collections of symbols, shapes and arrows that have always been available on the Mac
    7. Click Emoji to access the cartoon emoticons
    8. Click on People, Nature, Objects, Places and Symbols to see the choices
    9. To use one simply drag it to where you are typing

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Typing Emoticons

    You can easily access these same fun graphics on your iPad and iPhone wherever you have a keyboard.

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Tap Keyboard

    4. Tap Keyboards

    5. Add a Keyboard

    6. Choose Emoji

    7. Close Settings

    Now, anytime you want to type a fun character:

    1. On the keyboard, tap the world globe icon to the left of the space bar

    2. Choose the characters you want

    3. Tap the globe again to return to your regular keyboard


    Comparing Photos

    You can compare two or more photos in iPhoto by clicking on one, holding down Command and clicking on the others.

    Click Edit and they will appear side by side so you can decide which one is better.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Downloading Apps

    The other day I suggested a popular app to a client for her iPad. But it didn’t appear in the App Store.
    When you are searching the App Store, it limits what you see by iPad and iPhone. Many apps are designed for iPhones, but also work on iPads.

    So if you don’t see what you’re looking for, try searching in the iPhone section.

    By the way, the app I was recommending is GasBuddy, great for traveling to see what the price of gas is in any town.


    Upgrading to Mavericks

    Lots of folks have been asking about upgrading, whether they should, what do they need, what will they gain.

    While each person’s needs may be different, there are some primary reasons why a person SHOULD upgrade:

    * if you have an iPhone or iPad and you want your Contacts and Calendars and Notes to sync between all devices

    * if you want to start storing your Pages/Numbers/Keynote documents on iCloud so you can work on them from any device

    Be advised that you will likely have to upgrade versions of software to work with Mavericks, including the newest iPhoto and Pages. You may also need to purchase newer versions of Word and other apps to work with Mavericks.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Teaching Autocorrect a New Word

    1. If you have an iPhone and iOS7 you can teach it the correct word

    2. Open Safari in iOS (yes, the web browser)

    3. Open a new window

    4. Tap in the topmost “Search” box and type the word you want Autocorrect to stop correcting

    5. Tap on “Go” to search for it

    6. Now go back to Mail, Messages, etc, to type the originally intended word – no more autocorrecting it!


    Full Screen

    It’s a great feature – being able to fill the screen with the window you’re working with. You just click on the diagonal arrows in the top right of the window.

    Except a lot of folks are writing because they clicked it inadvertently and now don’t know how to get back to normal.

    To return to your regular screen, hover your cursor in the far top right corner to reveal the menu bar and click on those same diagonal arrows, which are now blue.

    Now you can consciously choose when to use Full Screen.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Quickest Way to Take a Picture

    I love walking up to strangers who are using their iPhones to take a picture and sharing this tip.

    Instead of swiping to unlock your iPhone or iPad and then opening the camera app, try this:

    From the locked Home Screen, look for the very faint icon of the camera to the right of the Slide to Unlock. Drag the camera icon up and you’ll be right there, ready to snap a photo.

    It takes a little practice to get the right pressure for the upward swipe, but once you master it, you’ll never do it the old way again.

  • November 2013



    Make Things Bigger On The Desktop

    Did you know that you can make the text AND icons bigger on the Desktop?

    1. From the Finder click the View menu

    2. Choose Show View Options

    3. You can drag the top slider to make the icons bigger or smaller

    4. Change the text size

    5. You can even reposition the label text from the bottom to the side

    6. Click a check mark next to Show Icon Preview and you’ll see a thumbnail of all of your jpgs

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Contacts and Calendars Not Updated?

    Your Contacts and Calendars will sync whenever you are connected to wifi.
    If you know there have been changes and you don’t see them on your iPhone or iPad, you can manually Refresh to get the newest changes.

    In Calendars
    Tap Calendars at the top left
    Pull the screen down (iOS7)
    or tap the clockwise arrow at the bottom of the screen (pre iOS7)

    In Contacts
    Tap Groups in the top left
    Pull down the screen


    Safari’s New Home Screen

    Even if you haven’t upgraded to Mavericks, you may have notices some changes in Safari version 6.1.

    If your home page now shows icons of Top Sites, you can change it to your familiar home page.

    1. Under the Safari menu, choose Preferences

    2. Click on the General icon

    3. Next to each line, choose your preference for what opens when

    4. This is also where you can set things to download to the Desktop so you can find them and file them



    Full Screen

    It’s great to use the space of your entire computer screen, especially if you’re watching a movie or surfing the web.

    Many of my clients activate the full screen mode without realizing it, and then wonder how to get back to seeing their menus, the Dock, etc.

    To get into full screen mode, click the diagonal arrows in the top right corner of the window.

    To return to your regular screen, hover your mouse at the very top of the screen where the menu bar should be, and click on the diagonal arrows again.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Navigating Windows in Safari

    The iOS7 version of Safari is slightly different on the iPad and iPhone. On your iPhone, recently visited pages are stored and available by tapping the icon with two squares on the bottom right. Press the X in the left corner of each page to close it.

    On the iPad, web pages open as tabs across the top. Tap the small gray X next to any page title to remove it.

    Google searching is now available in any Safari window by tapping in the address bar at the top, once to activate it, then tap the small X at the right end of the address to clear it so you can type in your new search criteria.

    When no page is selected and all previous pages are closed, you will see square icons of websites that are in your Mac’s Bookmark Favorites bar.


    Sending Emails to a Group of People

    If you send the same email to the same group of people all the time (ie. a book club, a board of directors, your family), instead of choosing each person each time, you can create a Group.

    (The steps may vary if you are running Lion or Snow Leopard)

    To Create a Group:

    1. From the File menu in Contacts, choose New Group

    2. A new Untitled Group appears

    3. Without moving or clicking your mouse, type the name of the group then press the Return key to lock it in

    4. Click on All Contacts at the top of the list to see everyone in your Address Book

    5. Scroll through the list to select the people who belong in the group

    You can drag each person, one at a time, to the left column then up and on top of the Group name


    Click on one name, hold down the Command key and continue selecting others, then drag one of the selected names on top of the group and they will all go

    Be sure to drag the name left first and then up, or you may accidentally highlight the entire list of people.

    To Send an Email to the Group:

    In the BCC field (so that everyone remains anonymous), type the name of the group
    Press the TAB key and it will fill in

    If you want to see the names of the people in the group, in Mail, under Preferences, click on the Viewing icon and choose it

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    iOS7 Calendar Solution

    With all of the changes and new features in iOS7, there is one glaring change that has some Calendar users up in arms.

    If you view your calendar in the Month mode, iOS7 has removed the helpful list at the bottom that shows all of a day’s appointments.

    But you can still access the list, even though it’s not quite the same.

    From the Month mode, tap the magnifying glass icon at the top right. A list of ALL events appears, separated by the day (though it’s a bit tough to see the demarcation.)

    This is also how you can search for an event.

  • October 2013



    Getting Your Mac Ready for Mavericks, the new OS

    Mavericks, Apple’s new OS for Mac is packed with a new look and lots of new features.

    As with any upgrade, you may want to wait until they iron out some of the bugs before you jump in. And before you rush to upgrade, you’ll want to make sure your Mac is ready for the new OS.

    1. Confirm that your Mac will work with Mavericks

    For a complete list of compatible Macs and software requirements, check out Apple’s www.apple.com/osx/how-to-upgrade/

    2. Back up!

    If you are not already using Time Machine to automatically back up your computer, now is the time to invest. Get an external hard drive, plug it in and follow the on-screen prompts.

    3. Clean Up!

    Mavericks requires 8GB of space on the hard drive for installation. For most computers this won’t be an issue, but MacBook Air users may be pressed for space.

    Delete old files
    Clear out the Downloads folder
    Delete any apps that you never use
    Archive your older photos to DVDs or another external drive

    4. Run Disk Utility!

    In the same way that you clean out your physical file drawers, throwing out old papers and then smooshing the file folders to create more space, you can have the Mac do a similar kind of cleaning up.

    1. From the Desktop, click on the GO menu and choose Utilities, and then open Disk Utility
    or, using Spotlight, type in Disk Utility and open in

    2. In the left column, click on the icon of Macintosh HD, your internal hard drive

    3. Click Repair Disk Permissions

    It may take a while, even a long while, to complete the task.

    If it reports errors that were fixed, Click Repair Disk Permissions again to run it again.

    5. Confirm that your apps are Mavericks compatible!

    While most software will still work with the new OS, you need to confirm this! Check out www.roaringapps.com for a complete compatibility list.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    In Case of Emergency

    If you are in an accident and can’t communicate, officials will check your phone for an emergency contact person. To make it easy for them to find the correct person, add an entry in your Contacts for ICE (in case of emergency):
    1. In Contacts, click the + to add a new person
    2. Enter the person’s first and last name
    3. In the Company field, type ICE
    4. Click the box next to company to have Contacts list that person under the company name
    5. Enter the appropriate contact information
    6. Click Done
    7. You’ll now have an entry in Contacts under the letter ‘I” for ICE


    Is Your Mac Running Slow?

    Here are three quick remedies to increase the performance of your Mac:

    1. Restart your computer at least once a week

    2. Quit any Apps that are open that you don’t use regularly

    3. Repair Permissions

    In the same way that you clean out your physical file drawers, throwing out old papers and then smooshing the file folders to create more space, you can have the Mac do a similar kind of cleaning up.

    1. From the Desktop, click on the GO menu and choose Utilities, and then open Disk Utility
    or, using Spotlight, type in Disk Utility and open in

    2. In the left column, click on the icon of Macintosh HD, your internal hard drive

    3. Click Repair Disk Permissions

    It may take a while, even a long while, to complete the task.

    If it reports errors that were fixed, Click Repair Disk Permissions again to run it again.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    iCal Tip

    If you are looking at your calendar in the Month mode and want to quickly see the Day view, turn your device sideways. (This may not work with iOS7 on the iPad)


    Saving Photos You Receive In An Email

    There’s no need to keep an email just so that you have access to the pictures. Instead, save them right in to iPhoto.

    1. Open the email.

    2. In Lion and Mountain Lion Mail, first click Show Details.

    3. Then click and hold down the SAVE button and choose Add to iPhoto.

    4. iPhoto will open and the pictures will be added to your iPhoto Library.

    5. Now you can delete the email.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Adding a Person’s Photo to Their Contact Info

    It’s fun to have a person’s face appear when you are receiving an incoming call from them on your iPhone or a FaceTime call.

    1. Find the person in your Contacts.

    2. Tap Edit.

    3. In the top left next to their name tap the circle that says Add Photo.

    4. You can either take a picture of them or choose a photo from your Camera Roll.


    Facebook Security Settings

    facebookFacebook is THE social media program for connecting with friends and colleagues and meeting new people. People share photos, inspirational quotes, details about meetings. And many businesses are using Facebook to offer discounts and daily specials.

    You can participate as much or as little as you want to.

    But it’s important to set your privacy settings and notifications so that YOU have control over who sees what and what you you see.

    Here’s a free guide to help you set up your Facebook account to ensure privacy and connection with only the people you want to connect with.

    If you’d like to Friend me on Facebook, I’m RuthRDavis.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Fast Access to Drafts

    Often, you may start writing an email on your mobile device, but decide to finish it later. If you tap Cancel, you get the option to Save the email as a Draft.

    To quickly access the draft to finish it, tap and hold the Compose icon (pen and paper) and it will show a list of all drafts that you created on your iPhone or iPad.

    Sorry, drafts written on your Mac do NOT appear in this list.


    Fast Printing

    Instead of opening up a document in order to print it, you can drag the icon of the document onto the printer icon in the Dock.

    To get your printer into the Dock, open any document and print it. The printer icon will appear briefly in the Dock as it is printing. Click and hold the cursor on the icon and choose Options. Choose Keep in Dock.

    Now, anytime you need to print something, just drag it onto the Printer icon.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Don’t Type Periods

    Instead of actually typing a period at the end of a sentence, double-tap the space bar and it will put in a period and a space so you can just start typing the next sentence.

    If this feature doesn’t work:

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Tap Keyboard

    4. Turn the “.” Shortcut ON

    iOS 7 iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Essential Guide to iOS 7

    I must admit, my first reaction to the new iOS7 was frustration and crankiness. I didn’t like the new colors and motion. I resented the change in swipe directions and the repositioning of buttons.

    But then I had a change of heart.

    Even though I still didn’t like the new look, my brain was learning new things, creating new neural pathways, which staves off dementia. So thanks, Apple, for giving my brain a workout!

    If you have upgraded to OS7, you’ll want to check out Mac2School’s Essential Guide to iOS7.

    Be sure to save it or print it for easy access–it’s packed with tips and shortcuts to help you get used to the new look and feel of the OS.

    Get the Free iOS7 Guide here.


  • September 2013



    Microsoft Office File Names

    If you can no longer open documents that were created in a previous version of Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, it’s probably because of the file name. It may be too long or, it contains a slash or other no-longer-acceptable characters.

    To change the name of a file:

    1. Click once on the item

    2. Press the Return key to highlight the file name

    3. Type a new name. If you press the left or right arrow key it will move the cursor to the beginning or end of the text

    4. Press the Return key when done

    Now try opening the file and it will probably work!

    iPad Tip of the Week

    All About Sounds

    You can control what sounds play when different things happen. Maybe you don’t like the sound when you unlock your device. Maybe you prefer NOT to hear a sound every time you receive or send an email or when someone sends you a text or leaves a voicemail.

    It’s easy to choose which sounds and alerts you want to hear.

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap Sounds
    3. Scroll through the list, choosing which you want on and which you want off

    This is also where you can choose a different ringtone and make the Vibrate feature silent.


    Latest Update for Mountain Lion

    If you are running OS 10.8, Mountain Lion, Apple just released an update to fix several bugs and issues in the software. Version 10.8.5 is available as a free download in the App Store. Under the Apple menu, choose Software Update. Install the OS 10.5.8 and any other updates that are available.

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Getting Ready For The New iOS7

    Apple’s new iOS7 for iPhones and iPads is packed with a new look and lots of new features.

    As with any upgrade, you may want to wait until they iron out some of the bugs before you jump in. Andbefore you rush to upgrade, you’ll want to do a little housecleaning first.

    1. Confirm that your device will work with iOS7. It is compatible with:

    • iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s
    • iPod touch 5th gen
    • iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini


    OSXDAILY highly recommends WAITING to update iPad2 and iPad 3,iPad4 and iPad mini as well as iPhone 4, iPhone 4S

    2. Back up to iCloud:

    • Tap Settings
    • Tap iCloud
    • Tap Storage and Backup
    • Tap Backup Now

    3. Delete any apps you don’t use:

    • Tap and hold on any app to get them wiggling
    • Tap the X to delete
    • Tap the Home button when done to stop the wiggling


    Make Your Cursor Bigger

    The bigger your screen, the smaller the cursor. But you can make it bigger so you can find it more easily.

    In Mountain Lion


    1. Under the Apple menu, open System Preferences

    2. Click on Accessibility in the bottom right

    3. Click on Display

    4. Move the slider to adjust the Cursor Size

    In Snow Leopard:

    1. Under the Apple menu, open System Preferences

    2. Click on Accessibility in the bottom right

    3. Click on Mouse

    4. Move the slider to adjust the Cursor Size

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Make the Text Bigger

    You have a lot of control over the size of text and other items on your iPad and iPhone

    1. Tap Settings
    2. Tap General
    3. Scroll down and tap Accessibility
    4. ZOOM gives you choices for finger gestures to enlarge entire screens
    5. LARGER TEXT allows you to choice a more readable font size


    Importing Contacts From Excel

    Mountain Lion finally allows you to easily import lists of names from an Excel spreadsheet into Contacts.

    1. In the Excel spreadsheet, from the File menu, choose Save As
    2. Title the document
    3. From the Format menu, choose Comma Separated Values (.csv)
    4. Be sure to save the document where you can easily find it
    5. Quit Excel. If you get a warning that the file may not be compatible, just say OK
    6. Open Contacts
    7. From the File menu, choose Import
    8. Locate the .csv file you just saved and Open
    9. In this window, match up the fields from Excel with the Contacts fields that you want to import by clicking on each one you want to import
    10. Choose to Ignore the First Card since it contains the label names of the fields
    11. Use the arrows on the screen to move through your data to confirm that things are in the correct fields
    12. Click OK
    13. You can now delete the .csv file you saved

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Importing Videos From iPhone and iPad to Your Mac

    Perhaps you’ve noticed that photos that you take on your mobile device appear on your Mac via Photo Stream, but videos do not.

    As my Apple Genius friend reminded me, it’s called Photo Stream, not Video Stream.

    The easiest way to transfer your movies from your device to your computer is to email them to yourself, then drag the attachment from the email onto the iPhoto icon on your Mac.

    To email a video:

    1. On your device, tap Photos
    2. Tap Albums to get to the Camera Roll
    3. Because videos are large files, I recommend emailing them one at a time
    4. Find the video. It will have a movie camera icon and the length time of the video
    5. Tap the Share icon, the forward-facing arrow
    5. Choose Mail
    6. Address it to yourself
    7. Send

  • August 2013



    Are You Missing Your Scroll Bars?

    If you are using Mountain Lion, you may have noticed that your Scroll Bars have disappeared. In fact, the new default setting is to only show them when you are scrolling.

    To change this, from the Apple menu, choose System Preferences, click on General and, next to Show scroll bars, chose Always.


    iPad Tip of the Week

    Tall or Wide, How to Lock the Orientation

    A helpful feature on the iPhone and iPad is that you can turn the device sideways to rotate the screen orientation. It’s a lot easier to read articles and emails in the sideways or landscape orientation. But it can also be annoying to have the screen randomly change orientation.

    You can lock the orientation so that it no longer changes orientation.

    On the iPhone:

    Double-tap the Home button to reveal the line of open and active apps

    Slide all the way to the LEFT until you see the iTunes icon and the play buttons. Also on this screen is the Rotation Lock icon

    Tap it to lock the Portrait orientation so that the screen will no longer rotate to wide.

    On the iPad:

    Tap Settings

    Tap General

    Scroll down to the choice where you can use the side switch to Lock Rotation

    Before you lock the switch, turn the iPad in the direction you want to use, either tall or wide, and then Lock the screen in position

    NOTE: Even if you choose to lock in the wide/landscape orientation on the iPad, some apps may still open only in portrait.


    Seeing Only Certain Contacts on Your Phone

    All of your contacts are stored in one place and are automatically synced with all of your devices. But many folks don’t want to SEE all of their contacts on their iPhone. They just want to see the people they call.

    On your Mac:

    1. Open Contacts and, from the File menu, choose New Group

    2. Name it “phone” or something similar

    3. Click on All Contacts in the left column

    4. Find the people you want to see on your iPhone

    5. Move them into the new “phone” group

    You can select them one at a time and drag them on top of the group you just created or

    Click on one name, hold down the Command key and select others.

    Drag one person on top of the phone group and they will all go.

    iPad Tip of the Week

    To See Only The Contacts in the “Phone” Group You Created

    1. Tap Contacts

    2. In the top left, tap Groups

    3. Right now, the groups that are checked are all showing in the Contacts list

    4. Tap Hide All Contacts to remove all the check marks

    5. Tap the “phone” group to choose ONLY those people


    Are You Missing Your Scroll Bars?

    If you are using Mountain Lion, you may have noticed that your Scroll Bars have disappeared. In fact, the new default setting is to only show them when you are scrolling.

    To change this, from the Apple menu, choose System Preferences, click on General and, next to Show scroll bars, chose Always.


    iPad Tip of the Week

    Tall or Wide, How to Lock the Orientation

    A helpful feature on the iPhone and iPad is that you can turn the device sideways to rotate the screen orientation. It’s a lot easier to read articles and emails in the sideways or landscape orientation. But it can also be annoying to have the screen randomly change orientation.

    You can lock the orientation so that it no longer changes orientation.

    On the iPhone:

    1. Double-tap the Home button to reveal the line of open and active apps

    2. Slide all the way to the LEFT until you see the iTunes icon and the play buttons. Also on this screen is the Rotation Lock icon

    3. Tap it to lock the Portrait orientation so that the screen will no longer rotate to wide.

    On the iPad:

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Scroll down to the choice where you can use the side switch to Lock Rotation

    4. Before you lock the switch, turn the iPad in the direction you want to use, either tall or wide, and then Lock the screen in position

    NOTE: Even if you choose to lock in the wide/landscape orientation on the iPad, some apps may still open only in portrait.


    Seeing Only Certain Contacts on Your Phone

    All of your contacts are stored in one place and are automatically synced with all of your devices. But many folks don’t want to SEE all of their contacts on their iPhone. They just want to see the people they call.
    On your Mac:
    1. Open Contacts and, from the File menu, choose New Group
    2. Name it “phone” or something similar
    3. Click on All Contacts in the left column
    4. Find the people you want to see on your iPhone
    5. Move them into the new “phone” group
    You can select them one at a time and drag them on top of the group you just created or
    Click on one name, hold down the Command key and select others
    Drag one person on top of the phone group and they will all go

    iPad Tip of the Week

    A Faster Way to Scroll in iCal

    To See Only The Contacts in the “Phone” Group You Created:

    1. Tap Contacts
    2. In the top left, tap Groups
    3. Right now, the groups that are checked are all showing in the Contacts list
    4. Tap Hide All Contacts to remove all the check marks
    5. Tap the “phone” group to choose ONLY those people



    Printing those Passwords

    While you can’t print the password list directly, you can take a screen shot and then print that.

    1. Resize the window so that you can see as many passwords as possible

    2. Hold down the Command and Shift keys and type the number 4

    3. The cursor will become a crosshair

    4. Starting in any corner, drag to surround everything you want to print

    5. Release the mouse and you’ll hear a sound like a camera shutter

    6. Click on your Desktop to find the file named “Screenshot”

    7. You may have to take several shots to get your complete list

    8. To print these Screenshots, just double click to open, then choose Print from the File menu

    iPad Tip of the Week

    A Faster Way to Scroll in iCal

    Instead of tapping the forward and back buttons to go to a different month:

    Tap and HOLD on that arrow to navigate faster

    Remember to tap Today to quickly return to the current month


    Website Passwords

    I’m a big proponent of keeping a written list of all of your passwords in a notebook so that you always have access to them.

    One of the new features in Safari stores all of your website passwords, in case you forget them.

    1. Under the Safari menu, choose Preferences

    2. Click on the Passwords icon

    3. To reveal the actual passwords, click Show Passwords

    4. You will need to type the password for the computer to gain access

    You can remove any saved passwords or clear the entire list.

    iPad Tip of the Week

    Cleaning Out Storage Space

    Believe it or not, iMessage and texts take up quiet a bit of storage space on your mobile devices.

    This is particularly true if you send and receive a lot of multimedia messages with photos, animations, etc.

    To clear out old Messages:

    1. Open Messages app

    2. Tap Edit

    3. Tap the red (-) button to delete an entire message thread

    4. Repeat as necessary

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